NAPUNK interview by Papp Attila
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Special thanks to NAPUNK

LIVE Jamming and songwriting from home
Hide-and-Seek music Video by Emese Tóth
We are very excited to share the video for Hide-and-Seek by Emese Tóth
recorded and mixed by Adam Zdosek mastered by Kristóf Huszár

IV. KERBEROS (PLUTO Sound Compilation Series) – Hide-and-Seek -MOYOGI
by PLUTO Sound
Fourth installment of a five-part compilation series based around Pluto’s moons and their Greek mythological names, celebrating the first five years of PLUTO Sound.
Kerberos is a small natural satellite of Pluto, about 19 km (12 mi) in its longest dimension. It was the fourth moon of Pluto to be discovered and its existence was announced on 20 July 2011. It was imaged, along with Pluto and its four other moons, by the New Horizons spacecraft in July 2015.
The first image of Kerberos from the flyby was released to the public on 22 October 2015.
In Greek mythology, Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. He was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and was usually described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from multiple parts of his body. Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, one of Heracles’ twelve labours.
Special thanks to Aliz Bukovics, Dalma Tamara Puskás, Zsanett Steszkó

– Everything is fine. – he said indie music track

The new indie music track ‘Hide-and-Seek’ will be released soon!-
– about MOYOGI ‘Hopeland’ “Seven parts, every one minute, on every part is a story behind. It’s an idyllic moment, impressions about how strong is our love to people.” The duo behind the project named MOYOGI, as every single comes to pass, delivers with bigger ambitions and sophistication. The melodic teases of ‘Hopeland’, is a familiarity of scents, that dilate into a coaxing thrill of each second of anticipation. Like a breath of freshness of love; or the ham-strung inquisition of a love lost – the valadictorian-like agitation of wants and desires, dangle for all to see in ‘Hopeland’. The deepest and most introspective of MOYOGI’s offerings (among their string of introspective offerings), a lightness and airiness sprite off of the brushes like touches of fulfillments and a pause for absorption.
we think this is really true of them: ‘A music and culture curation advocate.’ – thank you for your kind words CHF –
I’m just a throne invader.

‘Cold Cave‘ is our favorit now btw –